Tennessee Congressional Delegation Urges Biden to Approve Emergency Declaration

Gov. Bill Lee


All members of Tennessee’s congressional delegation signed on to a letter urging President Joe Biden to approve an emergency declaration submitted by Governor Bill Lee.

The declaration, which was presented in early December, follows destruction from severe weather that impacted residents in Tennessee and Kentucky.

In total, four Tennessee residents were killed during the tornadoes, with even greater destruction occurring across the state-line in Kentucky.

“We write to urge swift approval of Governor Bill Lee’s request for a major disaster declaration pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act due to severe weather that occurred on December 10 and 11, 2021,” the letter from the eleven lawmakers described.

“West and Middle Tennessee experienced two lines of severe weather that began on the evening of December 10, 2021, and continued into the morning of December 11, 2021. The combination of heavy rain, powerful thunderstorms, and tornadic activity damaged roads, homes, and businesses as the storms moved northward into Kentucky. Hazardous travel conditions, power outages, and damage to water infrastructure have been reported across the affected areas. Five people lost their lives because of this severe weather, and seventy-four more were reported injured as a result of the storms.”

If approved, the measure would provide federal resources to assist Cheatham, Decatur, Dickson, Dyer, Gibson, Lake, Obion, Stewart, and Weakley counties during the restoration process.

Specifically, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) would reimburse local jurisdictions for the work covered under the declaration or supply direct help.

“Our emergency officials, first responders, and law enforcement brought hope where there was none in the aftermath of these storms,” Lee said at the time. “Our effort now will be to bring as much relief as possible to these devastated communities.”

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Gov. Bill Lee” by Office of the Governor.






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5 Thoughts to “Tennessee Congressional Delegation Urges Biden to Approve Emergency Declaration”

  1. Robert E Roark

    The Democratic mantra “never let a crisis go to waste” is often the Republican one as well. It is the dependence on federal dollars that have put us in the situation the nation is in today – unsustainable debt, devalued dollars, rising prices, and state legislatures that avoid dealing with disasters until they occur, knowing the feds will bail them out. The states have surrendered their sovereignty to get federal funds that relieve them of that responsibility, and the feds have willingly accepted that growth in their power. As this process continues, the states will become nothing more than agents for the federal government.

  2. william delzell

    Well, so much for the G.O.P.’s opposition to federal aid–unless it affects THEIR baylewick! What hypoccrites!

    1. John

      William, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t know the truth if it hit you in the face. Besides, you’re just a shill, unable to think for yourself. MSNBC and CNN have rotted your brain beyond repair.

  3. LB

    Why depend on the Fed’s? The state is able to take care of their people in need. The majority of the help from the Tornado’s came from Volunteers. Our home was hit in H’ville and there were groups of good people from the Churches (all denomination’s) that were helping us by cutting down trees and cleaning up the mess. The same with my friend in KY her home was wiped out totally and she said, the churches and volunteers helped her clean up. Not the city and not the fed’s. Its best to be independent of the federal Gov.

    1. Tom

      Couldn’t agree more LB!

      Reliance on the enemy fraud Feds only ensures TN quick decline.
